Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Treatment
At CND, we treat anyone, regardless of their ability to pay. (you read that right). Our work is successful when we can help people that need help, removing the barriers that interfere with their recovery and by providing individualized treatment sensitive to cultural, gender, and ethnic factors. That’s not all. We have a recovery house, referred through our treatment program, that houses 5 men in recovery.
Youth Programs
Youth programs include our annual summer day camp, an after-school program, and mentoring and tutoring youth in more than 20 Columbus City and Reynoldsburg schools. We work with high school students in our FOCUS leadership program and for 30 years, have taken high school students on an annual college tour.
Community Partnerships
Whether you choose CND as a service provider or a recipient of your philanthropic support, you can feel confident in your decision to partner with us. In 2020, we helped more individuals than ever before in our history thanks to the generosity of our funders, donors, volunteers and community partners.