Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Treatment
We offer comprehensive mental health and substance use disorder treatment programs for adults. We continually evolve to meet the needs of clients, offer same or next day appointments, and utilize a person centered philosophy in all services provided.
Your Recovery is possible. You can do this and we can help!
Get Started
- Visit: located at 3901 E Livingston Ave., Columbus, OH 43227 and can be accessed on the bus line. We accept walk-ins!
- Call: 614-252-4941 today to speak with one of our team members
What Treatment Clients Say:
Additional Information:
We take all people seeking help regardless of their ability to pay.
We take most major insurances, including Medicare, Medicaid and have self-pay options.
Our location is conveniently located on the near East side of Columbus and can be accessed on the bus line.
We Provide
- Ohio's Covid Care Program/Counseling
- SPMI/Severe Mental Illness Treatment
- Intensive Outpatient Program
- Non- Intensive Outpatient Program
- Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
- Mental Health Medication Management
- Assessment
- Parenting Classes
- Alcohol & Drug Addiction Counseling
- Individual Counseling
- Group Counseling
- Gender-Specific Groups
- Dual Diagnosis Groups
- AOD Education Group
- Crisis Intervention
- Case Management
- Mental Health Education
- Mental Health Counseling
- Family Counseling
- Spirituality & Mindfulness
- Anger Management
- Life Skills Education
- Employment/Vocational Support
- Recovery Housing
CND utilizes a person centered philosophy in all services provided.
We are licensed by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and have a 3-year CARF accreditation.