Youth and Young Adult Programs

Youth programs include our annual summer day camp, an after-school program, and mentoring and tutoring youth in more than 20 Columbus City and Reynoldsburg schools. We work with high school students in our FOCUS leadership program and for more than 30 years, have taken high school students on an annual college tour. Our young adult program is a violence intervention program in partnership with the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Recreation and Parks.

Get Started

  1. Download, print and fill out program application forms.
  2. Send completed form to CND

Call 614-272-1464 to find out more

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Elementary & Middle School Programs
Summer Day Camp

Summer Camp Class

This 6 week Summer Day Camp focuses on educational, cultural and recreational activities for over 200 youth ages 5 to 14. Students receive educational enrichment through use of the local libraries and physical recreation through partnerships with Columbus Recreation and Parks.  Children receive two meals per day for this program.

Young Ambassadors for Peace (YAP)

This nine-week anti-bullying, violence prevention and leadership development curriculum is designed for elementary through high school youth in a small group format during the school day. The program is provided to schools (currently Columbus City and Reynoldsburg school districts) that request the program and reaches over 500 students. CND’s unique curriculum is updated yearly.

After School Program

Our prevention specialists use Botvin LifeSkills Training (LST) in our after school program.  It is an evidence-based substance abuse and violence prevention program that has been used in schools and communities throughout the US and in 39 countries. More than 30 studies published in scientific journals show that LST can decrease adolescent drug use by as much 80%.

High School Programs
Future Opportunities Created for Urban Students (FOCUS)

FOCUS Program

Twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays during the school year, about 30 high school students from around Columbus participate in CND's FOCUS youth-led leadership development program. Staff use an evidence-based curriculum called Winning Futures, which prepares students for the job force and higher education. All students participate in a monthly service project and receive a $20 stipend per session attended, thanks to funding from the City of Columbus, Ohio, Department of Education. In addition, key community leaders and business professionals present winning career options through the FOCUS Speakers Bureau and the students participate in a local college tour.

Intergenerational Mentorship

For over ten years, thanks to funding from the State of Ohio OMHAS, 250 Reynoldsburg Middle School, Reynoldsburg High School and East High School students receive individualized mentoring and complete the FOCUS curriculum. CND staff provide the mentorship. Guidance counselors, teachers, and staff recommend the students.

Annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities Tour (HBCU)

Touring Black Colleges and Universities

35 students ages 14-18 in CND’s programs have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attend a one-week tour of 5-7 Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The tour is designed to educate youth about the process for college enrollment. The cost for each student to attend is $500 and the goal is for students to raise part of the funding themselves. While on the trip, students take part in additional educational and cultural opportunities located near the colleges and universities.

Violence Intervention

CND is proud to partner with the City of Columbus Department of Public Safety and the Department of Recreation and Parks to provide violence intervention programs for youth and young adults ages 14-24. Program staff spend time in gang controlled areas, building relationships and engaging in outreach with active gang members with the goal of reducing violence and seeking out those that want to do something different with their lives. For those that want to make a change, staff members conduct assessments and link youth with appropriate services. One case manager and four intervention specialists staff this program. Success is measured by how many youth are linked with employment and education.

Program Forms
Summer Day Camp program for youth ages 5-14:

Camp Dates:  June 24 - August 2, 2024, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Breakfast and Lunch are provided.

* We will host on site registration at both the East and West Office on Friday May 31, from 8AM until slots are full. This is when the applications will be accepted with cash payments.

* The cost for camp is $ 50.00 per child. If there are more than 3 children, the additional will attend at no cost to the family provided all the children reside in the same household.

After School program for youth ages 5-14:
FOCUS High School Leadership and College Readiness Program:
Annual College Tour:

The 2025 College Tour will be held April 20th - April 26th, 2025.  We will be visiting: Full Sail University, Allen University, Vorhees University, Edward Waters University, and South Carolina State University.

For more information, call (614) 272-1464

80% to 90% of the participating youth reported that CND has helped to make positive improvements in their behavior in and out of school, and their understanding and awareness of some of the bad things that can affect their lives.